It is the power of the mind that makes it possible for a person to act on their goals in order to achieve them. A powerful mind is one with a lot of abilities ; the ability to store and grasp a lot of knowledge and learn different things, its ability to come up with ideas that can be brought to life and its power to make thoughts of the mind shape people’s actions to work towards making those ideas a reality.
The mind is so powerful that if you put a thought in your mind and knowing that you can do it then the mind will drive you to achieve it. It is also the same when you think you cannot do or achieve something then you do not endeavor in doing it and hence you remain believing you cannot then that would be the case. Whatever is in the mind can determine the outcome in your life. Hence if you have a specific goal in your mind then it has an impact on your actions leading to working hard to achieve it.
“Whether you think you can or you can’t either way you are right.” Henry Ford.
A person who knows how the power of the mind works has the capability to change certain aspects of one’s life. For instance if you were a person who has been negative about different things in life then the outcome will be having negative experiences. Hence if you think negatively about a particular culture or put it in your mind that a person is unfriendly then that would influence your actions towards that culture or person. The same happens in class when one puts lack of interests in a subject because they think a lecturer is not good enough or is boring, this thought would not make you determined, you lose interest, focus and the end result would be failure.
The power of the mind is therefore able not only to store knowledge but also to be able to control your life to become successful. Hence nothing is impossible as long as it is contained on the mind and it is applied continuously. What is on the mind (what one thinks of) can attract it to them.
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Albert Einstein