Let’s Talk — Mental Health
No matter how many times Mental Health has been talked about, it is still very relevant, and it should be a continuous conversation to have.
We need to let go of the stigma around Mental illness, especially in our societies and educate ourselves on it to be aware, and seek help when needed. Mental Health should not be ignored or taken lightly.
There are multiple types of mental illness or disorders that exist: Clinical Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Dementia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Schizophrenia, Autism, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). There are people who are conscious of their disorders which is a good thing, because knowing, and accepting it is a great step to find ways to begin healing and get better. There are also those who are in denial of their Mental Health issues they face which becomes a bigger problem and those who are unconscious of it.
I have come across people in my life who dismiss their mental illness and just go on with their lives hoping it will go away. But the reality is, if you do not address it, it will not go away. Many people go through it, and it is a struggle especially for youths. There are adults who are also living with past traumas that are unhealed. We need to individually and collectively understand this well and heal from it.
Mental Health is very important for the daily human function. When your mental health is at stake, it affects and disrupts your daily activities, and the way you interact with others. It has an effect on our spiritual, physical and emotional health too. Furthermore, let’s learn more about it, help those who need help with information on healing, and stop the stigma on mental illness. There is no shame in accepting it.
There are times we also need to have that time to ourselves to get our energy back and it is not being selfish. You need your energy to be able to function well. There are societies that are used to being in a communal setting and always having people around and not taking time for themselves, hence this concept is foreign to them. Therefore people who decide to apply it are seen as selfish. It is a pivotal moment when you take time for yourself to recharge as it is also part of being healthy.
When you feel stressed, overwhelmed with work, and going through difficult times, talk to someone: it could be a close friend or going to see a therapist. Exercising, listening to music, reading, writing, self-affirmations, and meditating are also ways that help you to stay mentally healthy.
“You can only serve well in your respective fields of work when you take good care of yourself.” Liz